Monday, November 2, 2009

Are Texans Immoral?

"Texas Faith: Are Texans immoral for supporting the death penalty?" is written by Wayne Slater from the Dallas Morning News. The article raises the never-ending debate about the death penalty and whether or not it's a moral punishment for crimes committed. Texas has the highest number of criminals executed in the nation, so the question is asked " is it moral to support capital punishment" or "are Texans immoral because they support the death penalty?" The author includes responses to this question from a group of "Texas Faith panelists." This group includes religious leaders in faiths such as Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Chirstian, Hare Krishna, Jewish and a few others. As expected, most of their answers fall into the category of capital punishment being immoral and not acceptable under any circumstance. This is not really surprising since these religions promote peace and forgiveness. A different and interesting answer comes from Nityananda Chandra Das, Minister ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple in Dallas with the belief that "a murderer should be condemned to death so that in his next life he will not have to suffer for the great sin he committed." This leader also believes that capital punishment is a powerful deterrent for future criminals. The death penalty is an issue that everyone has an opinion about, and regardless of what you believe, this article takes an interesting approach to the delicate topic.

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