Sunday, November 22, 2009

Grasping At Straws

Apparently I have been hiding under a rock lately since I haven't heard anything about Texas putting a ban on all marriages. It seems that Houston lawyer and Democratic candidate for Attorney General Barbara Ann Radnofsky thinks an amendment approved by the legislature and agreed upon by voters believes just that. She is currently causing a stir trying to get an apology from the current Attorney General, Greg Abbott. The amendment states that "marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman." Radnofsky seems to have a problem with the subsection that declares "this state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage." I personally think that the wording is just a politically correct way with legal jargon of saying what no one is really coming out (no pun intended) and saying, that Texas will not allow or honor same-sex marriage.
For starters, I have a very hard time believing that the highly educated men and women of the Texas legislature would even pass this bill if they thought at all that it meant to ban all marriages. The voters obviously didn't have a problem with the wording either. Also, this amendment was passed in 2005, making it 4 years old! Not a single person had a problem with this until now? With elections coming up, the timing is just a little too convenient.
I know that Texas is a very Republican state (yes, I am one of them), but I think sometimes Democrats try to grasp at straws so they can point the finger. I sort of think that if Radnofsky is so concerned with the wording of this particular amendment, she should work on getting it changed instead of trying to get an apology.

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