Friday, December 11, 2009

Bikes and Cars and Peaceful Coexistence...My Response

In Bikes and Cars Coexsisting, Matthew wonders if education or stupidity is the problem with people in cars attacking bikes on the road. I will say it's stupidity. Even though it is VERY tempting to run some of these cyclists over, I think it's a lack of intelligence and common sense that some little punk kid shoots one in the back of the head with a projectile. Having said that, I think it's absurd that cyclists think they have the right to do whatever they want on a road that is intended for motor vehicles. I hate driving through downtown Austin, not only do I have make sure I don't hit a pedestrian and worry about when I will be cut off next by another car, I also have to worry about making sure I don't run over a bike that thinks they have the same right of way that I do. Starting to educate about bikes on the road in high school? Are you insane? Don't you think we have enough problems with the education system in this state? These kids are not learning what they should be learning to begin, but lets throw something trivial in there as well. I did not grow up in Austin, so maybe I don't get the whole "bike" thing, but I just can't wrap my head around bikes and cars coexisting, peacefully anyway. I know that I don't have much of a choice, so I will continue to just deal with it as long as I live here, but in my opinion the bikes need to be off the road.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Kay Bailey Hutchinson has finally made it official that she will run against Rick Perry in the Republican primary for the office of Governor. She's going to get my vote. I think Perry has served as governor long enough. There is currently no limit to the number of consecutive four year terms a governor may hold the office. I do not agree with this. What's the point? Why would we want the same governor forever, especially if they are just causing more of a problem? It should be set up the same way as the office of the United States President, only being able to serve two consecutive terms. This state needs some change just as much as the country does. President Obama's whole campaign was based on change, and he was right, we do need change. Do not get me wrong, I am no fan of his and am not in agreement with all the "changes" he has in mind. Texas needs a new face, even if it's not Hutchinson. Perry made a promise that he wasn't going to run again anyway, which he obviously broke. He also seems to think that the state's budget is in balance, with extra money to spare. I'm sure it is on paper (simple accounting 101), but I highly doubt that's the case. I won't go on and on about Perry's misfortunes, I don't want this to sound like a campaign against him. I don't have much faith in any of the politicians and feel that they all make empty promises and not keep them. I personally think most all them lie to get into office anyway. I just think maybe it's time we have someone else lie to us.